
Showing posts from December, 2019

Without You

Some places   have memories   so distinct    that no matter   where you end up   or   who you go with   how much you try    to alter your experience    memories will always find   a way back to you       I come here    with all my sadness    and happiness.    I think of how long it has been.    I smile because of you    It is strange    I thought you could    never make me smile    again. You have your ways,   old friend.    I hear the waves    of the water fall back    and forth, I think I hear    your voice so I turn around   but you’re not there.   I turn around and my   stripped blue dress twirls   against my black seat,  ...


A sharp whisk of the air runs along the back of my neck as I run through the forest of mystery the thick green branches gently sway back and forth above my head filled with a thousand chances to stay but the branches don’t seem to sway hard enough. I run for miles and miles. I end up in the part of this forest floored with darkness. I bounce up and down as the wind accelerates on my skin like a car on a freeway. Perhaps this is a way to run from troubles and mishaps to a serene place maybe by a waterfall. I bump into a tree shaking its branches. Orange pixie   dust exits the one unstable branch from this tree onto my black, motionless scalp. I go further into this abandoned forest where there is a blue fluorescent light illuminating from the sky. The bright regretful beams reach me.   I grimace like an owl seeing silvers  of light at night. Could it be a portal? A portal that I touch and suddenly be infected with f...

Dear Sky, Dear Moon

A tender voice calls my name in the distance with the hopes that I will respond Pieces of shattered glass on the ground distorts my face which isn’t that broken as if it would be underneath the moonlit sky I turn around, but no one is there except for settling dust; a ring shining towards the corner of my eye. Wonder if someone ran away before I could catch them like the sun hides before someone sees it afraid they will come out to play? You and I have so many fascinating conversations as it gets later and later into the melancholic night. about who I am? who I will be? who I should be?   When we get around to you, you tell me that I should go home. Tears run down my face there is a dark and heavy mist   floating in the air it weighs on my shoulders lifts me up and spins me around. You say that I should go home –   what if this is my home? You’re the one that brought me here with your trembling voice begging me to stay....

Middle of Nowhere

Twirl your braid in a bun expose the back of your neck so droplets of water from my mouth can touch yours and breathe into your soul. Let me tell your secrets that your afraid to say. I am in the middle of nowhere spouting out of a wooden stick. My town has been here for 74 years, dead for 20. The sight of you, the way your eyes examine each  and every detail astounds me. You must love it here even though bad things have happened here. A white bird sits atop your shoulder. You must be something special, I hear it in the way your wheels creak every time you move. Even when you dance I watch the way you smile though lips curl upright your dimples have so much depth - you amaze me. I hope you know that you are something else. The crisp air is stronger when you are around. The water coming out of me gets more intense. I hope you come around more often.

Unknown Sights

It was like this lake  transformed into a nightclub with our bodies swaying into another let there be no care in the world the beat of the techno music breathes into my soul; I want my body to dance along to the technicolour beat Rays of neon lights streak throughout the baby blue ocean bouncing off each other like sparks of light in the navy-blue sky which creates rainbows that turn into the sky into galaxies with the pinks and blues intertwine with each other a bubble gum sky as I depart from the loners and lovers’ complete strangers sit outside the club  gently stringing notes and singing words that I didn’t think much of at the time – yet I smile my eyes glance in between tree branches and green leaves. come to the pow wow - you will not want to miss this